Saturday 7 September 2013

Save the Date!

Hope everyone has had a good summer and found some opportunities to explore (either physically or via books) the great history of our area.

Our AGM has been confirmed for Saturday, October 19th, 1:30 p.m. at the Midway Seniors Centre. This facility is the former Mining Recorder's Office for the area! Exact location etc. will be coming in the official AGM notice at the end of the month but in the meantime, SAVE THE DATE! We're working on a guest speaker and will even have door prizes!

 It is absolutely imperative that we have a good attendance at the AGM and that we are able to fill the upcoming vacancies on the Board of Directors. Specifically, we MUST have a President, Secretary and Treasurer. We cannot continue without these positions being filled and the members currently in these roles are unable to take on another term.

 Any organization is only as strong as its membership, and a low turnout at an AGM can be an indication that a society's days are numbered. So please, plan on attending and encourage your friends, family, neighbours or other interested parties to do the same.

See you there!